Monday, 9 May 2011

#006 - Can We Destroy Arrogance, Please?

Self-esteem is bullshit. Self-esteem is blind adoration for yourself. Essentially, self-esteem is arrogance. I read in one of my favourite books ever, The Age of Absurdity by Michael Foley, that self-respect should be favoured over self-esteem. The bad points of your personality should be worked on and dealt with appropriately to the point where you respect how you operate, not paraded around in their undiluted form just because you’ve apparently got “self-esteem.” Yes, because apparently, being confident about yourself gives you the right to be a dick.

Of course, what I’m saying isn’t that your bad points should be destroyed and you should aim to be a perfect person, because firstly no one will ever be perfect, and secondly it’s obviously nowhere near as simple as that. But there’s certainly a way to go about living your life in a better manner. If you’re a selfish person, that’s bad. You should aim to be less selfish because it negatively affects those around you, which will in-turn negatively affect you (think about it in a selfish manner then, if you really wanna put yourself in a paradox).

It’s clearly never going to be that easy, but the least you could do is try to be a better person, rather than being a total arsehole and try to justify that with self-confidence. And that’s not even being self-confident, that’s just being an arrogant prick, which isn’t good. The line between confidence and arrogance has been indefinitely blurred over the years.

But obviously, being an arrogant piece of shit takes far less “effort” than trying to be a good person. And “effort” is just the worst thing in the world, right?

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